Learning Reading HUB


From Our Blog…

Today’s article is a review of “Phonics Pathways / Clear Steps to Easy Reading and Easy Spelling.” This learn-to-read curriculum Read more
If your child is learning to read or about to learn to read, then you may have heard of the Read more
Are you looking for an interactive way to help your child learn to read? Then it is pretty likely that Read more
In this article, you’ll discover a very powerful formula to teach any child to read. This is a very effective Read more
Both Hooked on Phonics and Learn with Homer are very popular literacy or learn-to-read apps. These apps are especially popular Read more
R-controlled syllables is one of the six syllable types that we can find in the English language. In this blog  Read more
How to Teach a Child to Read from Scratch Step-by-Step? The SIMPLE Roadmap to Reading Success
I am really excited to announce that my book “How to Teach a Child to Read from Scratch Step-by-Step?/The Simple Read more
For a long time I have torn on the topic of how to teach consonant blends to kids… Should we Read more
Are you looking for phonics activities and games? Then, you are on the right place! In this post I will Read more
If you are looking for beginner readers books sets, then this article is  for you! Because we are going to Read more
In a nutshell, what are the steps involved in a system that works?

If you have been disappointed by the Whole Language /Word Approach and/or Balanced approach, do this instead!

And if your child is still young, you are in luck! You can start with this, once you feel he/she is ready for it!

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Myth Busting

    MYth#1: DON't Teach reading earlY!
Reading Myth 1

One of the most common arguments  against early reading instruction is that if you start teaching your child to read at a young age, your child will get bored at school. 

While this might be true in some cases, you are trading your child not getting bored at school for a distinct cognitive advantage that learning to read at a young age gives to the child. So… What do you prefer?

myth #2: english can't be taught phonetically
Reading Myths 2

Many people still think that since English has many irregularities, phonics is an inefficient way of teaching reading! That belief is actually behind the whole language movement…

And while English phonics is complex (and teaching a little bit of phonics here and there doesn’t work very well) phonics instrucion in systematic way has proven to be the most effective method for teaching reading so far.

    MYth#3:Reading is as natural as speaking
Reading Myths 3

Many people still believe that kids can pick up reading naturally if they are sorrounded by books! This belief is based upon an outdated theory that has been invalidated by modern science.

In fact, research on the human brain over the last couple of decades is very clear on this point: We are not naturally wired for learning to read!

Learning to read is about cracking the code. And we need to learn a system to crack it!

myth#4: many poor readers will just catch up
Reading Myths 4

This myth is an extension of the previous one: “Reading is a natural skill, such us speaking”. So, that means that the poor readers will pick up eventually pick up because learning to read is natural. According to those who believe this, in the same way some  children learn to speak later, some children learn to read later as well. 

Again, this couldn’t be further from the truth. On the contrary, the sooner you spot and support a poor reader, the better!

How Can I Teach My Child to Read?

Are you trying to teach your child to read?

If so, look no further because you’ve landed on the right place!

Maybe you are trying to teach your 5, 6, or 7 year-old child to read? Or, maybe you are just looking for information to begin the journey of teaching a young child to read…

Wherever you are on your journey for supporting your child with reading, the Learning Reading Hub is jam-packed with valuable information and resources for teaching your child to read… In the right way!

This site is a learning-to-read hub (hence, the name) where we provide you the information and tools that you need to teach your child the RIGHT WAY.

You will be empowered information and resources based on SOUND / MODERN science, so you can bring joy to the journey of teaching/supporting a child to read!

So, that is our mission: helping you support your own children (or maybe your students) using strategies and methodologies that REALLY work (short, mid and long-term) and set up the right foundations.

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